Media data & app
Numbers, data and facts
Numbers, data and facts
Global Rank (worldwide): 26,120 |
Country Rank (Austria): 138 |
Category Rank (Agriculture): 1 |
Austria: 42.4% |
Germany: 35.2% |
CEE: 10.6% |
Used machines: 88.800 |
Classifieds: 41.000 |
registered users: 463,600 |
YouTube: 308,000 |
Facebook: 251,400 |
Instagram: 186,000 |
TikTok: 55,800 |
Regional targeting
Targeting according to user segments
Cattle, pig, agriculture, grassland, tractors, forestry, viticulture, fruit growing etc.
Media use is shifting toward new media almost every year. Then years ago, who could have imagined videos or news being consumed on a cell phone? Today, more and more farmers are using smartphones. At Agraria in Wels, we presented for the first time an interactive exhibitor directory for all internet-enabled devices.
Based on our experience, we can help you with planning your advertising on all channels!
Your target group of farmers is mobile – so it should also be your advertising!
Websites with responsive design are already a must nowadays, everyone knows that. However, many advertisers forget about mobile devices when planning their online advertising in addition to the desktop. The mobile market is constantly growing! One of the most important areas of advertising is already mobile advertising. The advertising formats are adapted to the mobile screen sizes and are thus played out appropriately for each device.
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