Journal media data
We are happy to help and are always available for personal questions
We are happy to help and are always available for personal questions
The magazine for used machines
Subscribers: 10,000
Appearance: twice a month
Approximately 10,000 farmers inform themselves twice a month about the used machinery and classifieds market.
Book a front page or the 4th cover page for a regional edition or simply your used machine advertisements at a reasonable price! However, area displays are also possible in regional expenditure.
Precisely in your region – that’s the motto!
Price example at 10,000 pcs. Basic edition
Title page: 140 x 210 mm: € 1,740.–
4th cover page: 190 x 270 mm: € 1,600.–
IMPORTANT for 4th cover page: Postal note and space for address label RIGHT ABOVE!
1 page 190 x 270 mm: € 970.–
1/2 side transverse 190 x 133 mm: € 720.–
1/4 side transverse 190 x 66 mm: € 470.–
Used machine pages
1 page 20 machines + logo: € 610.–
1/2 page 10 machines + logo: € 365.–
Prices change with higher editions!
Price example at 60,000 pcs. large run print
Title page: 140 x 210 mm: € 2,480.–
4th cover page: 190 x 270 mm: € 2,130.–
1 page 190 x 270 mm: € 1,240.–
1/2 side transverse 190 x 133 mm: € 810.–
1/4 side transverse 190 x 66 mm: € 520.–
Used machine pages
1 page 20 machines + logo: € 1,128.–
1/2 page 10 machines + logo: € 780.–
Release dates:
01.03. + 16.03. und 01.11. + 16.11.
Special issue “ Journal”
We have produced a “ Journal Spezial” for the “Freistädter Traktortage”. Each participating merchant could publish a page with used machines as well as an advertising page.
On the front page, the event is advertised with an advertisement. In addition, the current classified ads from private providers are in the journal. External advertisements from suppliers can be integrated. For you as a customer, there are various ways of implementation.
We have prepared an example for you:
Edition 10,000 pcs., page count 48 pages
Title page and reverse are booked exclusively by you
2 pages of own listings
10 pages of own used machines
2 pages of self-advertising from
Over 8,000 copies are automatically sent to “ Journal” subscribers. The rest is delivered directly to the customer.
Cost of the entire production: € 6,200,–
Special issues
A special issue can also be produced for merchant groups. We would also be pleased to deliver your special issue to your customer addresses or to other address groups. Ask us about the possibilities!
Higher editions and special productions are possible at any time!
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